Saturday, November 13, 2010

Water God's People

I was at work the other day and I went up to our break room for lunch. I sat down and pulled out my school work (my Bible and my text book). When a guy sitting next to me blurted out “Is that a Bible!?” ( I was shocked and also bracing myself for what was to follow that sentence). “Yes it is” I said. “I haven’t seen one of those in  a long time!! But I do have one!” and then the man sitting across from me said “I had this old tattered new testament Bible but it finally just fell to shreds. So then I was at the fair and they were handing them out and I was so excited because I didn’t think you  could buy them any old place”. Then we continued to talk about Christian singers and comedians, etc.

The point of my story is this. Just when you think the whole world is ignorant they really are not. These people that I was talking with were THE LAST people who I thought truly cared about things such as Bibles. I do not know how their lives match up with them liking the Bible but that is unimportant. Just when you think nothing will save someone know they could have already had that seed planted, it even may have been watered. Whatever step you yourself are performing it is crucial, A harvest is only completed by planting, watering, and gathering.

We need to never forget that what we do and how we act, if we claim to be a follower of Christ, is a testimony to every person we come across. This reminded me of that and I am sure it was God ordained. I need to be reminded daily that I am a representative. It is so easy to stumble off track and not even realize what your doing. Now get out there and water God’s people!! ;)


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